Sustainable Leadership

Products tailored for all levels.

Leadership is pivotal at every level of an organization, permeating from the C-suite to team leads. Each tier—be it HR, managers, or department heads—must not only embody leadership skills but also align with the company’s values and culture. Such unity across levels ensures a cohesive environment that bolsters growth and engagement. A shared belief in leadership as a shared duty, rather than a title, sets the course for the organization’s success.

Improving Leadership – but holistically


products that cover all aspects from planning over hiring to leading


For Managing Directors, Managers, HR Managers and Strategy Teams

Companies are faced with the challenge of developing a strategy that meets both business requirements and the needs of employees.

With “Employee-Centric Strategy Development”, Re-Thought offers customized consulting to develop a strategy that harmonizes business success and employee satisfaction.

Employee Retention

For Managing Directors, Managers, HR Managers and Leaders

Businesses have difficulties retaining qualified employees in the long term and avoiding high staff turnover.

“Employee Retention Mastery” is a systematic program for identifying and implementing employee retention methods – to reduce fluctuation and increase satisfaction.

Sustainable Leader

For Managers and Leaders on all levels

Managers are faced with the challenge of retaining employees in the long term and increasing their satisfaction.

The “Sustainable Leader” program offers managers comprehensive training and tools to promote sustainable employee retention through effective leadership practices.

Leadership Excellence

For Individual Managers on all levels

Individual leaders feel insecure in their role or are looking for ways to improve their leadership skills.

“Leadership Excellence Coaching” offers individual 1:1 support to help managers recognize their strengths, overcome challenges and increase their effectiveness in management work.

Corporate Counseling

For HR Departments, Leaders and Managers

Managers in companies are faced with specific or diffuse leadership problems and situations, and need expertise and advice for specific situations.

“Corporate Leadership Counseling” offers on-demand expert advice for managers on specific occasions in order to analyze difficult situations and develop solution strategies.

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Leadership Strategy Development

Download the German product sheet

Organization Scheme Cropped Strategy Development

Employee Retention

Download the German product sheet

Organization Scheme Cropped Employee Retention

Sustainable Leader Program

Download the German product sheet

Organization Scheme Cropped Sustainable Leader

Leadership Excellence Coaching

Download the German product sheet

Organization Scheme Cropped Leadership Excellence

Corporate Leadership Counseling

Download the German product sheet

Organization Scheme Cropped Corporate Counseling